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Create Video Ads For Instagram and Facebook

Making video ads for Facebook and Instagram can be such a powerful way for you to capture the attention of your target audience but it can also be super overwhelming knowing how to actually create these things.

What video software do you use? Where do you find video clips and music and images and transitions? And how do you put it all together in a way that actually keeps people engaged? It can be a lot! So in this video I’m going to be taking you through step by step how to create beautiful video ads all inside of Canva.

I’m going to start by showing you how to find inspiration for your video ads then we’re going to go through how to actually structure your video ad in a way that actually makes people engage with your content and then finally we’ll put it all together inside of Canva with your music and your video clips and text and everything else in a way that is ready to be exported into your Facebook Ads Manager and be used for your Facebook and Instagram ads.

Click play to find out everything you need to know!

If you want to learn more – Check out my Powerful Social Media Marketing for Beginners Course on Skillshare here!

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Hey there - I'm Maggie

I’m a silly-outfit enthusiast whose guilty pleasure is happy-crying while watching highlights of the golden buzzer moments from America’s Got Talent.

And my mission is to continuously create a better digital space for creators and consumers through my work.

Check out my best-selling online courses with over 150k happy marketing students here.